Ako si vybrať obchodné meno?
One of the issues that entrepreneurs face when starting a business is choosing a business name. See an overview of the legislation and our recommendations.
One of the issues that entrepreneurs face when starting a business is choosing a business name. See an overview of the legislation and our recommendations.
Read on to find out how to proceed with the transfer of a business share, what the share transfer agreement should contain and what to look out for when transferring a business share.
An Association Agreement can be concluded by several persons to jointly contribute to achieving an agreed purpose. Read detailed information about such an agreement.
Due to the change in legislation, registrations into the Commercial Register will also be possible to be conducted by notaries. Attorneys will be allowed to be authorized in the registration proceedings.
On 06th of April, 2022, Act No. 111/2022 Coll. on the resolution of impending bankruptcy and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts was promulgated.
In July, the Government approved a non-legislative material - Draft Measures for the Efficient Operation of the Commercial Register. One of the measures envisaged in the proposal is the use of external registrars. Read whether and how it is envisaged that entities will also be registered in the Commercial Register by attorneys.
A limited partnership is one of the legal forms regulated by the Commercial Code. Read what is the process of its establishment.
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