Ako si vybrať obchodné meno?
One of the issues that entrepreneurs face when starting a business is choosing a business name. See an overview of the legislation and our recommendations.
One of the issues that entrepreneurs face when starting a business is choosing a business name. See an overview of the legislation and our recommendations.
Read on to find out how to proceed with the transfer of a business share, what the share transfer agreement should contain and what to look out for when transferring a business share.
The primary purpose of establishing a business company is generally to engage in business activities. For some types of companies, the law also allows for other purposes.
National Council has adopted the Act on the Transformation of Commercial Companies and Cooperatives. The new legal regulation of transformations of companies will come into effect on 1st. of March 2024.
What to look out for when starting a business? Read the most common warnings and our recommendations for budding entrepreneurs.
A limited partnership is one of the legal forms regulated by the Commercial Code. Read what is the process of its establishment.
A publicly traded company is one of the legal forms of companies. Read what its advantages are.
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