Inspection by the data protection authority
Inspection by the Office for Personal Data Protection - how the inspection takes place, what your obligations are and how we can help you during the inspection.
Inspection by the Office for Personal Data Protection - how the inspection takes place, what your obligations are and how we can help you during the inspection.
The Court of Justice gives its decision in Leistritz AG (C-534/20). The case concerns the interpretation of the second sentence of Article 38(3) of the GDPR. Read more.
The purpose is to determine whether there has been a violation of the rights of natural persons in the processing of their personal data or a violation of the Personal Data Protection Act or the GDPR.
The Data Protection Authority has published its inspection plan for 2022. Read what the inspections will focus on.
Changes in the processing of personal data of the deceased are regulated by an amendment to the Personal Data Protection Act.
The Danish Data Protection Authority has assessed the validity of the consent to the processing of personal data.
The legislative process to amend the Personal Data Protection Act is currently underway.
Checks on the setting of cookies in France are carried out by the National Commission for Informatics and Liberty.
The European Data Protection Board will also discuss a proposal for a digital green certificate (covid pass).
The Slovak version of the GDPR corrigendum has been published. Read what changes have been made.
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