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Transfer of business share

Becoming a partner in a company can (among other ways) occur through acquiring a business share in an already existing company based on a business share transfer agreement. This article explains how this process works and what to pay attention to.

If you are considering transferring your business share or acquiring one, we are happy to guide you through the process. Feel free to schedule a consultation.

What is a business share?

A business share represents the rights and obligations of a partner, reflecting his participation in the company.

When can a shareholder transfer his business share?

In general, a partner can transfer his business share to another partner with the approval of the General Meeting, unless otherwise specified in the Articles of Association.

A partner can also transfer his business share to someone outside the company if the Articles of Association allow it. In such cases, the Articles may require the General Meeting's consent.

When is a shareholder prohibited from transferring his business share?

The Commercial Code outlines situations where a partner cannot transfer his business share. This applies to situations where proceedings are initiated for the dissolution of a company, where the company has been dissolved by a court or based on a court decision, or where the company is subject to the effects of a bankruptcy declaration or approval of restructuring.

A shareholder cannot transfer his ownership interest to another shareholder or any other person if he is listed as a debtor in the register of issued authorizations for enforcement proceedings (i.e., if enforcement proceedings are being conducted against him). A person subject to enforcement proceedings cannot acquire an ownership interest either.

Due diligence

Pokiaľ máte záujem o nadobudnutie obchodného podielu, odporúčame pred uzavretím zmluvy o prevode obchodného podielu uskutočniť proces tzv. due diligence. Ide o proces, v rámci ktorého sa uskutočňuje podrobný interný audit spoločnosti. Výstupom môže byť identifikovanie rizík, ako napr. nevýhodné zmluvy, prebiehajúce alebo hroziace súdne spory, riziká uloženia pokút a podobne. Realizáciu odporúčame uskutočniť v spolupráci s advokátom. S celým procesom Vám radi pomôžeme.

Zmluva o prevode obchodného podielu

The Commercial Code specifies formal requirements for a business share transfer agreement. The agreement must be in writing, with signatures officially certified.

Regarding the substantive requirements, according to the Commercial Code, the acquirer who is not already a shareholder must declare in the contract for the transfer of the ownership interest that he agrees to adhere to the partnership agreement or, where applicable, the bylaws (if bylaws have been adopted). Additional terms may not be prescribed by Commercial Code but are advisable to include.

We recommend including especially the following:

  • vymedzenie zmluvných strán (prevodca a nadobúdateľ),
  • specification of the company whose business share is being transferred,
  • špecifikácia prevádzaného obchodného podielu (veľkosť, pomerná časť k celku vyjadrená zlomkom alebo percentami, časť základného imania zodpovedajúca prevádzanému obchodnému podielu a informácia o jej splatení),
  • dojednanie, či ide o bezodplatný alebo odplatný prevod a ak ide o odplatný prevod informácie o výške odplaty alebo spôsobe jej určenia, platobných podmienkach a pod.,
  • vymedzenie aktív a pasív spoločnosti, ktorej obchodný podiel sa prevádza (či už priamo v zmluve alebo v prílohe odporúčame zakotviť podrobné informácie o aktívach a pasívach spoločnosti),
  • vyhlásenia a záruky (napr. vyhlásenia prevodcu, o tom, že obchodný podiel nie je zaťažený právami tretích osôb, že voči spoločnosti, ktorej obchodný podiel sa prevádza nie sú vedenú súdne alebo správne konania, že účtovníctvo spoločnosti bolo vedené v súlade so zákonom a i. podľa okolností konkrétneho prípadu),
  • mlčanlivosť (odporúčame zvážiť aj dojednanie povinnosti mlčanlivosti napr. vo vzťahu k citlivým interným informáciám, odplate za obchodný podiel a podobne)
  • zákaz konkurencie (odporúčame zvážiť aj dojednanie zákazu konkurencie vo vzťahu k prevodcovi ako bývalému spoločníkovi)
  • ďalšie dojednania podľa konkrétnych okolností (vždy odporúčame zvážiť okolnosti konkrétneho prípadu a nespoliehať sa na generické / vzorové dokumenty).

Effects of the Business Share Transfer

Under the Commercial Code, the effects of the transfer take place upon delivery of the transfer agreement to the company, unless a later effective date is agreed upon.

If consent from the General Meeting is required, the transfer only becomes effective after this approval.

Registration of Changes in the Commercial Register

Changes to the partner structure must be registered in the Commercial Register within 30 days of the agreement becoming effective.

The proposal must be accompanied by the business share transfer agreement and the approval of the general meeting of shareholders for the transfer of the business share (if required in the specific case). As the business share transfer agreement has legally changed the articles of association, a copy of the complete articles of association with the changes incorporated should also be attached. Compliance with the conditions of the transfer which is not apparent from the aforementioned annexes shall be demonstrated by the submission of an affidavit.

If there are other changes in the company in connection with the transfer of the business share (e.g. change of executive, appointment of a new executive, change of registered seat, etc.), further documents will be required, depending on the change in question.

In connection with changes in the company's shareholders, the registration of the change of the beneficiary owner in the commercial register, or in register of public sector partnersmay also be required

What to Watch Out for When Transferring a Business Share

If you are interested in acquiring a business share of an existing company, we recommend that you carefully study the articles of association, by-laws and/or other constituent documents of the company, especially in cases where you will not be the sole shareholder after the transfer of the business share. It may be, for example, that the articles of association do not allow for the intended transfer of the business share. In such cases, it is necessary to decide to amend the articles of association. In particular, take a good look at the arrangements concerning voting rights, profit distribution and the like.

Odporúčame, aby ste si spoločnosť preverili aj vo verejne dostupných zdrojov, môžete si pozrieť napr. Zbierku listín obchodného registra, z ktorej zistíte napr., či si spoločnosť splnila povinnosť doložiť účtovnú závierku, ďalšie informácie môžete zistiť napr. z Register of Financial Statements or Commercial Gazette..

Please note that the transfer of the business share (whether from the perspective of the transferor or the transferee) also has a number of accounting and tax aspects, so we recommend that you also consult your accountant or tax adviser about the transfer.________________________________________

How We Can Assist You

  • comprehensive legal services for entrepreneurs
  • vypracovanie všetkých právnych dokumentov (vrátane zmluvy o prevode obchodného podielu) potrebných k prevodu obchodného podielu
  • registration of changes in the commercial register
  • establishment of a company
  • online, telefonické alebo osobné konzultácie k Vášmu podnikaniu

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