About the Company

Team of lawyers and collaborating experts
Our law firm focuses primarily on providing legal services to entrepreneurs throughout the lifetime of the business entity. From the selection of the appropriate legal form, through the establishment of the company, processing of the necessary licenses and permits, drafting and commenting on the necessary contracts and analyses arising from the activities of the entrepreneur, debt recovery, dispute resolution with business partners and customers to the transfer of the company or the termination of the business.
We also provide legal services to individuals and non-profit organizations, NGOs.
While providing services to our clients, we also cooperate with a team of external experts, which we are gradually expanding.
What makes us different?
Digital technologies
We are part of a generation that has been in contact with computers since childhood. In our work we are committed to innovation and computerisation. At the same time, we do not lack sensitivity and respect for elders who prefer "traditional" methods.
For us, consistency means doing the best for the client and taking into account all relevant aspects when providing the service.
Individual approach
It is important for us to listen to the client and understand their idea. We always try to tailor the solution to the client's individual needs.
Our team

JUDr. Dominika Lidayová Bašaryová, Attorney at Law
Advokátka zapísaná v zozname advokátov vedenom Slovenskou advokátskou komorou. Pred pôsobením v advokácii pracovala aj pre spoločnosť Michelin v Bukurešti. Dlhodobo sa angažuje v neziskovom sektore, predovšetkým v oblasti osvety, vzdelávania a kultúrnej výmeny. Je predsedníčkou revíznej komisie Klub UNESCO Slovakia. Vyštudovala právo a manažment.

Ing. Laura Michalíková,
Office Manager
Graduate of HR and human resources management. She takes care of the administrative running of the office.

JUDr. Jozef Liday, právnik
Právnik s viac ako 8 ročnou právnou praxou špecializujúci sa na ochranu osobných údajov (GDPR, zákon o ochrane osobných údajov) a súvisiace oblasti. Pracoval v renomovaných advokátskych kanceláriách. V júli 2023 úspešne zložil advokátsku skúšku pred senátom Slovenskej advokátskej komory.