Inspection by the data protection authority
Inspection by the Office for Personal Data Protection - how the inspection takes place, what your obligations are and how we can help you during the inspection.
Inspection by the Office for Personal Data Protection - how the inspection takes place, what your obligations are and how we can help you during the inspection.
The purpose is to determine whether there has been a violation of the rights of natural persons in the processing of their personal data or a violation of the Personal Data Protection Act or the GDPR.
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An action to avert imminent harm may be brought if there is a serious threat to the right. The person threatened has the right to have the court impose an appropriate measure to avert the damage.
If the inheritance proceedings have already taken place, but you find that the deceased is still registered as the owner (e.g. in relation to the land), you can file a petition for supplementary inheritance proceedings.
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The attorney's remuneration is regulated by the Law on Advocacy and the Ordinance on Lawyers' Fees and Indemnities.
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The debt can also be recovered from the debtor in a reminder procedure. This is an electronic procedure held at the Banská Bystrica District Court.
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