The new information system goAML
From 1st of January 2025, the new goAML information system will be used for the electronic reporting of unusual business transactions.
From 1st of January 2025, the new goAML information system will be used for the electronic reporting of unusual business transactions.
The amendment to the Civil Code, effective from 1st of November, 2024, introduces new criteria for the acceleration of consumer loans.
Following significant changes in consumer law, it is necessary to update the general terms and conditions, complaint procedures, terms of use, or other internal documents.
Read on to find out how to proceed with the transfer of a business share, what the share transfer agreement should contain and what to look out for when transferring a business share.
If you want to terminate the existence of the company, one of the ways is to file for dissolution of the company by the court (ex officio).
The exchange agreement does not have to contain only the necessary elements, read what we recommend you to include in the exchange contract.
Our team is made up of experienced lawyers and professionals who can help you with your business or find a solution to your legal problem.
Spolupráca s LIDAY BAŠARYOVÁ & PARTNERS bola príjemná a na profesionálnej úrovni. O problematiku GDPR v našej oblasti podnikania sa zaujímali komplexne. Následne nám vypracovali dokumentáciu a vysvetlili ako máme nakladať s osobnými údajmi zákazníkov po praktickej stránke. Ďakujeme.
PharmDr. Veronika Španková, Lekáreň Primula
LIDAY BAŠARYOVÁ & PARTNERS ponúkli odborné poradenstvo a v krátkom čase dodal GDPR riešenie šité pre potreby našej firemnej webstránky.
Mgr. Peter Hospodár, Continium Technologies s.r.o.
Implementácia GDPR a školenie pre naších členov, zamestnancov a dobrovoľníkov naplnilo naše očakávania. Aj preto sme si dohodli spoluprácu aj na budúci rok.
Salt & Light, združenie
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